Сюрприз в Черную пятницу от Maurice Lacroix
Бренд представил модель в темных тонах
Пока марки понижали цены в стремлении привлечь покупателей в Черную пятницу, бренд Maurice Lacroix решил представить новую версию модели Aikon Automatic. Часы, созданные вместе с женевской маркой Label Noir, сочетают черный цвет и антрацитовый оттенок. Впервые в этой модели Aikon Automatic избавился от привычного циферблата с узором Clous de Paris в пользу матовой отделки лаком. Ободок остался черным, а вот корпусное кольцо получило серое DLC-покрытие и прошло через сатинирование.
Часы выпущены лимитированной серией из 50 экземпляров в 42-миллиметровом корпусе на черном ремне из телячьей кожи (ремешок прошел такую обработку, чтобы выглядеть, как текстильный). Водонепроницаемость корпуса составляет 200 метров.
Марка Label Noir была основана часовщиком Эммануэлем Курти в 2014 году и занимается кастомизацией часов (преимущественно Rolex).
Emmanuel Cur ti, watchmaker and founder of the
Geneva-based company Label Noir, explains the approach: “We really valued the urban and modern
design of the AIKON. It’s a watch that lends itself to different finishes, it takes on a totally different look
depending on the shades chosen. ” Thiébaut Bentz, International Product & Marketing Director, was
instantly captivated by the project: “When Emmanuel Curti told us about his desire to work on the AIKON
we were struck by his creative, modern and innovative approach. We saw the opportunity to redesign our
most iconic model by changing certain elements that we wouldn’t have dared to change otherwise. That
was also what allowed for a true collaboration!” The AIKON Automatic Limited Edition Label Noir is
available exclusively in Europe and the US on the Maurice Lacroix website.
This limited edition model, of which only 50 will be produced, showcases all the traditional AIKON
features with a 42 mm diameter case, screw-down crown and bezel, with the six ar ms characteristic of
AIKON. Its water resistance to 200 metres has of course been maintained. This model spor ts a black
calfskin strap that has been worked over to give it a textile look, featuring the embossed M logo. The
strap closes by means of a triple folding buckle which has also been coated in black PVD.
Label Noir was born out of the initiative of Emmanuel Curti, a watchmaker overflowing with as many
ideas as he has connections. After working at three major watch manufacturers, Curti, with a refined set
of skills, started his own company restoring watches for individuals. Over time he developed an interest
in reinterpreting watches, an idea popular with clients who sought to own custom-made pieces. Label
Noir was established in 2014, when watch coating was emerging as the latest fashion, and the rest is
history. Today, Emmanuel Curti creates exclusive pieces for brands and individuals.
For more information on Label Noir, please visit: https://www.labelnoirdesign.com/en/
Maurice Lacroix
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Источник: https://mywatch.ru/articles/syurpriz_v_chernuyu_pyatnitsu_ot_Maurice_Lacroix.html